Selling Alternatives: A Real Estate Auction Marketing Comparison

Why would someone desire to sell their real estate at auction?
The answer is simple and straightforward.
With this approach, sellers can manage the timing and conditions of selling and receive a fair value. In today’s fast-paced world a sale on a defined date and a known closing time is attractive for both sellers and buyers. Sellers choose this platform to take control of the sales process for a variety of reasons, which include downsizing, moving, health, estate planning, etc., or simply because the property has been on the market and has not sold. Working with a professional real estate auction specialist will allow you to close this chapter and move forward with your plans by eliminating unwanted days on the market. Although auction marketing allows you to sell real estate fast, the main benefit is it will achieve a property’s true value. The auction process will capture the buying markets’ attention and create action with competition. The market is evolving, team up with a professional auction company to achieve your desires with an effective real estate selling alternative. This process is a win-win and continues to gain popularity for sellers and buyers.
Identifying the buyer profile is a key element in a successful marketing campaign: who is the buyer profile, where are they located, and what is the best approach to reach them?
This is a key element prior to starting any marketing program. Each campaign Target Auction conducts is specifically tailored for each property, our events are promoted and conducted in a professional manner to attract serious and qualified buyers. Auction marketing has proven time and again to produce ready, willing, and able buyers to compete for ownership. Our clients are served by applying technology and proven auction marketing techniques in a significant multi-channel campaign. We handle every aspect of the event from pre-auction strategy to advertising and marketing, as well as post-auction and closing procedures.
Each property is showcased throughout the entire marketplace, focusing buyers exclusively on one property.
- Buyers are required to act on your time schedule
- Pre-sets all conditions of the sale, thus eliminating prolonged negotiations
- Secures a contingency-free contract
- Achieve fair market price
The old school of thought for real estate auctioneers is gone. Today, it is high-tech with online sales and tools, major media campaigns and glitzy marketing pieces. And by casting a wider net, our properties and buyers are not limited by geography. Brokers and agents are folded into our program as well, we utilize an incentive program to actively engage participation.
Are you satisfied with the number of qualified buyers looking? Have you had any offers? Has a contract been accepted and not close? It is time to look at a fresh new approach.
It is with great sincerity that we recommend the auction method of marketing and we have a proven track record. At Target Auction, we would be pleased to discuss our capabilities with you free of obligation. Visit and we can be reached at 800-476-3939.