Target Auction utilizes innovative technology with multi-channel marketing campaigns to ensure we achieve true market value for the properties we elect to represent. Much of the following will help educate you on our platform:
In today's marketplace, certain properties such as historic homes, B&Bs, event venues, and even large luxury homes can sit idle with no lookers or offers for long periods of time. Sometimes it takes more than just saying 'It's for sale!' to attract a buyer for a property.
Maybe you’ve seen an auction advertised in your town or online. Maybe you’ve thought that might be a good place to find exactly what you’re looking for. You’re right...
Developed Land or Potential Development Land is Best Sold at Auction
Selling land developments and higher-and-best-use properties can be challenging and most definitely call for a professional company with the right experience and track record. Utilizing a capable real estate auction company specializing in land auctions...
A Buyer’s Guide to Real Estate Auctions: How do real estate auctions differ from traditional home sales?
It’s not as different as you might think. We know what you might be thinking about real estate auctions… aren’t those just foreclosures and dilapidated, distressed houses?
Simply put, an online real estate auction has many positive aspects including being-buyer friendly, it is a must to consider in the existing marketplace. Selling real estate online line may...